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Business Benefits of Adopting GHG Standards: ISO 14064 and ISO 14068

As businesses worldwide face the urgency of reducing their carbon footprint, ISO 14064 and ISO 14068 provide structured frameworks for managing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. 

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As businesses across the globe deal with the urgency of reducing their carbon footprint, adopting robust greenhouse gas (GHG) standards has never been more critical.

Standards such as ISO 14064 and ISO 14068 offer a structured, transparent, and reliable framework for companies committed to sustainability. At ISOQAR, we are seeing more and more organisations embracing these standards, not just to demonstrate their environmental responsibility, but also to capitalise on the many business benefits they bring.

Understanding ISO 14064 and ISO 14068

ISO 14064 is an international standard for GHG accounting and verification. It provides a certifiable framework for designing, developing, managing and verifying GHG emissions and removals. By adopting ISO 14064, businesses can systematically quantify/measure their emissions helping to work towards more sustainable practices, ultimately leading to verifiable reductions in their carbon footprint.

ISO 14068, on the other hand, is specifically focused on carbon neutrality. It provides guidelines and requirements to help organisations measure, manage, and achieve carbon neutrality. It emphasises the transparency, accuracy, and consistency needed for organisations to make credible carbon neutrality claims and ensures businesses can validate their efforts effectively.

While these standards differ in focus, together they offer a comprehensive solution for organisations looking to manage their carbon impact, reduce emissions, and aim for carbon neutrality.

The Business Benefits of ISO 14064 and ISO 14068

  1. Reputation and Brand Value

Achieving verification under ISO 14064 or verification and validation by aligning with ISO 14068 standards can elevate your organisation’s reputation. In today’s market, customers, investors, and partners are increasingly focused on sustainability. Adopting internationally recognised standards like these demonstrates a firm commitment to reducing emissions and achieving carbon neutrality, positioning your business as a responsible leader in the sustainability space. This commitment can lead to stronger customer loyalty, enhanced brand image, and a competitive edge.

  1. Regulatory Compliance

With governments around the world setting stricter environmental regulations, complying with standards like ISO 14064 can help organisations stay ahead of the curve. Meeting these standards ensures your business is aligned with both current and future regulatory requirements. In many cases, organisations that adhere to ISO 14064 can avoid penalties or fines related to non-compliance with GHG emissions regulations. Furthermore, as the trend towards mandatory carbon reporting continues to rise, businesses that adopt these standards now will be well-prepared for future reporting obligations.

  1. Cost Reduction through Efficient Resource Management

One of the core advantages of adopting GHG standards is the potential for cost savings. ISO 14064 encourages businesses to identify inefficiencies in their energy usage and reduce GHG emissions, which often results in reduced energy consumption. Lower energy usage means lower operational costs, and in some cases, businesses may also benefit from government incentives or carbon credits for meeting emissions reduction targets.

  1. Access to New Markets and Investment Opportunities

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for doing business in certain markets. Many customers and investors are now prioritising companies with strong environmental credentials. By certifying your GHG emissions management through ISO 14064 and demonstrating carbon neutrality under ISO 14068, you open doors to new market opportunities. Furthermore, socially responsible investors are more likely to invest in businesses with credible environmental practices, potentially leading to increased funding and growth prospects.

  1. Enhanced Decision-Making and Strategic Planning

ISO 14064 helps businesses to compile reliable data on their GHG emissions, enabling better decision-making. With accurate and transparent reporting, organisations can identify key areas for improvement and set realistic, actionable goals for emissions reduction. This can form part of a broader corporate sustainability strategy, allowing businesses to focus resources on the most effective environmental initiatives. ISO 14068 further supports this by helping companies track progress towards carbon neutrality, offering a clear framework to monitor and validate carbon reduction efforts.

  1. Attracting and Retaining Talent

Employees today, particularly millennials and Gen Z, are increasingly drawn to organisations that are committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By adopting ISO 14064 and working towards carbon neutrality with ISO 14068, businesses can attract and retain top talent. People want to work for companies that align with their values, and demonstrating leadership in sustainability can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and retention.

At ISOQAR, we are committed to helping businesses navigate the certification process, ensuring that they not only meet the requirements of these international standards but also reap the substantial rewards that come with them. Adopting ISO 14064 and ISO 14068 is more than just a compliance exercise—it’s a strategic decision that can drive business growth, operational efficiency, and long-term sustainability.

Ready to begin your journey towards verification and validation? Contact us today to learn more about how ISOQAR can support your organisation in achieving ISO 14064 and ISO 14068 standards.

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