Counting the cost – How Health and Safety failures are draining UK businesses

In the competitive landscape of UK businesses, health and safety often emerge as a critical factor that can either bolster success or lead to significant setbacks. The importance of maintaining robust health and safety measures cannot be overstated, not only for the well-being of employees but also for the financial health of the business itself.

Top 5 Nonconformities in ISO 45001

During an ISO 45001 audit, auditors evaluate an organisation’s compliance with the standard’s requirements. Nonconformities may be identified during these audits, and addressing them is crucial for maintaining an effective OH&S management system.

Top tips for implementing ISO 45001

Implementing ISO 45001 can be a transformative journey for any organisation, offering a pathway to a safer and healthier workplace. In this blog, we explore some of the key tips for the journey of implementing ISO 45001.