O.C.O Technology specialises in carbon capture, sustainable construction products and waste treatment. With their first plant established in 2011, the business is built on more than 20 years of award-winning research.
Lee Thompson, HSEQ Manager, explains “O.C.O is a unique business, helping the waste and construction industries become more sustainable. We recycle hazardous waste for Energy from Waste plants known as APCr (air pollution-controlled residues), and by using our unique Carbon Capture and Utilisation process we turn the APCr into a carbon negative aggregate.“
O.C.O are proud of the way the business has developed its integrated management system, resulting in no nonconformities in their ISO certification audits for the past two years. It has also helped the business to win multiple awards including the RoSPA International Dilmun Environmental Award 2022 and the RoSPA Gold award for Health and Safety performance 2022.
“I don’t believe that any business achievement is down to one person, it’s a team effort which helps the business succeed.” says Lee.
“The biggest challenge has not been setting up management systems, but ensuring compliance and engagement at all levels of the business.”
Why gain certification?
O.C.O believes gaining certification is a great way of demonstrating that their business is serious and committed to implementing and maintaining a management system.
“Being held to international standards, helps to protect the business and the individuals within it, drive continuous improvement, ensure compliance, and helps to grow and maintain a good culture. Certification can also bring other benefits such as profit increase, increased morale and satisfaction of employees leading to lower staff turnover.”
Any advice for those looking to gain ISO Certification?
“Although obtaining certification to ISO standards is great”, says Lee, “it’s not just about gaining certification. It’s about remaining certified, driving continuous improvement, and creating a good culture within the business that encourages, develops, and engages with stakeholders.
Implementing a management system will take work and commitment, but make no mistake, it is one of the best investments you can make for your business.”